Tag: travel


Manta, día 1-4

  DIA 1 Y 2 – 31/10 y 1/11/17 Nos embarcamos en Manta la tarde del 31 de octubre. Manta es el velero de 36 pies de Isabelle Bovert, una suiza que dejo su país hace 8 años, “cuando me fui dije que me iba mínimo 15 años, así nadie me extrañaría,” quien después de …


Septiembre 18

I made it! I’m in South Africa! Seriously, until I didn’t have the stamp on my passport allowing me in I really wasn’t going to believe it. The plane ride was 18 hours…the longest I have EVERY been on a plane and I’m just dreading the way back because this time around I had 1 …


Travel Day 1

Monday September 17, 2012. 14:40 Well ,I’m here! In the waiting room…waiting. The flight is a bit delayed apparently because boarding time was at 2:15 ant its 2:40 (I hope I’m in the right place). I still feel very anxious and nervous, not about the flying but about the whole getting in the country, not …