Category: Thoughts and Words



13 años…una vida entera. Tu vida entera. Este año de “aniversario” siempre estaba en mi mente…es como pasar un escalón enorme o una raya imaginaria que quisiera que no existiera. Saber que llevas ausente en esta dimensión mas de lo que estuviste en ella me duele de una manera diferente. Me amarro a tus recuerdos, …


Dear Clare,

“What is dying? I am standing on the seashore. A ship sails to the morning breeze and starts for the ocean. She is an object and I stand watching her Till at last she fades from the horizon, And someone at my side says, “She is gone!” Gone where? Gone from my sight, that is …


What is life?

What is life if not the constant consciousness of details, emotions, feelings, that go through us constantly? What Is life if not that first sip of coffee in the morning, the smell of your father’s cologne from when you were a child, the graze of that special someone’s fingertips on your back, the way the …


Two Me’s

I can feel how words are trying to squeeze out of my thoughts, drip down to my fingers until they find paper, a keyboard, anywhere to be set free. I keep busy, busy, busy…and I feel that part inside of me screaming, I hear its echo bouncing off the walls of my head, I can …


Of Love and Hate

I’m doing a meditation challenge and today my homework was to write different things I loved about myself. Due to -well, life- I’m at a moment where it’s easier to find the things I hate (sounds too harsh…i’ll use dislike) about myself than those I love. But as I made the effort to write them …


Beautiful Sadness

Someone once asked me “where do you feel it? The sadness” and I paused and answered, “not entirely sure…I think in my chest.” And he hugged me as tears rolled down my cheeks. Sadness is a painfully beautiful emotion to feel. It means you hurt, which means you cared…you loved. It can creep up on …