Category: Poetry



To be still, In body and heart, Is not to be empty, Is not to be limp. It’s a test of endurance, Of resilience, And grit.


To my witches

I always considered myself the kind of girl that got along better with guys. Growing up it just felt easier and more comfortable to relate to them. Looking back though, I’ve realized I have an incredible group of women that have accompanied me throughout all the different periods of life. In the past years, I have been …


Los que se van nunca nos dejan

Para todos los que lo conocieron y lo quisieron, a quienes cantaron con el, rieron con el. Para mis primos y familia. Para mi papá. Un recordatorio en momento de dolor y sentimiento de lejanía. Por mi padrino, y todas las masetas que nos quedaron pendientes. Estoy segura que Cris las disfrutara por mí… quien …


Find me

You can find me… Sinking deeper Into my mind, My body, My soul. Gasping for peace… Inhaling love, Exhaling sorrow. You can find me… Within myself, Alone but not lonely, Fearful but open, Selfish but giving… Learning to love.



Just surrender. To life, To God, To you. Breathe in experiences, Exhale the pain, Keep the lessons. Simply surrender, And live.



Just go with the flow. Listen to your voice, Move your body, And free your soul.