Category: South Africa


Umkomaas (Durban), Día 1

Ya estoy nuevamente en territorio sudafricano! Llegue ayer miércoles de Tofo, con una parada de media hora en Vilanculos (aeropuerto mucho mas moderno que el de Tofo) a Johannesburgo. Cogí (o tomé, para cualquier lector argentino) el tren a Rosebank y decidí comerme algo mientras esperaba a Natasha. Eran casi las 6 y aún no …


Septiembre 18

I made it! I’m in South Africa! Seriously, until I didn’t have the stamp on my passport allowing me in I really wasn’t going to believe it. The plane ride was 18 hours…the longest I have EVERY been on a plane and I’m just dreading the way back because this time around I had 1 …


Travel Day 1

Monday September 17, 2012. 14:40 Well ,I’m here! In the waiting room…waiting. The flight is a bit delayed apparently because boarding time was at 2:15 ant its 2:40 (I hope I’m in the right place). I still feel very anxious and nervous, not about the flying but about the whole getting in the country, not …


Stress, whining, and friends

Beware, this is a pretty complain-y post…too bad, its just one of those weeks. This week has not been going great. My visa application has been awfully stressful and having a venezuelan lady with some serious attitude problems be the one who answers the phone to give me bad news (I have to dial many …