
Awareness is Key

  This week’s sentence came up inspired from my EQ workshop with Tito Zapala, an incredible freediver, a natural teacher, and a beautiful new friend from my time here in Dahab. The five-day workshop with him went back to basics. At first, it might have felt unnecessary, and the ego says “I already know this” but …


Adeu Barcelona

Mi mamá siempre ha dicho que cuando uno viaja el alma aterriza uno o dos días después. Me lo ha dicho un par de veces después de yo regresar de algún viaje que estoy de ánimo extraño. Teniendo en cuenta que en las últimas dos semanas me he montado en cuatro aviones y he visitado …


I am not ok, and that is ok

Anxiety. Depression. Mental health. Words that I hear being thrown around and that I’ve used never really considering them my own. “I have an amazing life” is a thought I have constantly and I’m incredibly grateful for all the adventures, trips, lessons I´ve had throughout my life…but sometimes that phrase is followed by “…then why …



13 años…una vida entera. Tu vida entera. Este año de “aniversario” siempre estaba en mi mente…es como pasar un escalón enorme o una raya imaginaria que quisiera que no existiera. Saber que llevas ausente en esta dimensión mas de lo que estuviste en ella me duele de una manera diferente. Me amarro a tus recuerdos, …


Dear Clare,

“What is dying? I am standing on the seashore. A ship sails to the morning breeze and starts for the ocean. She is an object and I stand watching her Till at last she fades from the horizon, And someone at my side says, “She is gone!” Gone where? Gone from my sight, that is …


What is life?

What is life if not the constant consciousness of details, emotions, feelings, that go through us constantly? What Is life if not that first sip of coffee in the morning, the smell of your father’s cologne from when you were a child, the graze of that special someone’s fingertips on your back, the way the …