Tag: life


Happy Birthday to Me!

This weekend was my 24th birthday, no big bash, no big celebration, just enjoying the beach, watching the olympics and eating way too much. I went to my parents friends’ house in Bijao with my parents and 2 other couples friends of my parents, it was very relaxing and sadly there was no sun so …


S.A here I come!!… well..almost

I did it! My first international bank transfer…I have oficially paid both my photography and marine conservation volunteer programs, I have bought my plane tickets…and I only have like $1,000 left for, well, everything! I’m scared about the money stuff but im excited, with everything bought already I know I’m going there no matter what …


ByeBye Bogota

To start with, YEY my picture of Rudolf was one of the favorites for the Paper Mama Pet Photo Challenge..although for some darn reason I can’t seem to get the button to work, all I get is this:  <div align=”center”><a href=”http://thepapermama.com/” title=”The Paper Mama Photo Challenge” target=”_blank”><img src=”http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7049/6973777489_f5b60d9504_o.jpg” alt=”The Paper Mama Photo Challenge” style=”border:none;” /></a></div> Clearly …


Carta abierta

Amigos y familia, en unos días estoy de cumpleaños y en un mes recibo mi diploma de graduanda de Antropología de la universidad. Les escribo contandoles mis planes en los meses que vienen y una *sugerencia* sobre algun regalo que quiza esten pensando darme. Para mi pedir cosas no es fácil pero en este caso la …


Last week

So, haven’t been on the blogsphere recently…it’s been crazy! Moving is awful…well, packing is awful! I  have been very late on my homework for my online course so I had to work hard on that for a few days but it was great, I had the opportunity to go to a dermatology center which treats …