Here goes a little list of fun facts about me I have recently acknowledged or learned…quiza con un poco de spanglish.
Please feel free to add some things I might have missed in the comments below! It could be fun…
– I cry over anything (a song, movie, a special commercial, because i’m sad or angry…happy tears are the hardest ones though, probably only had that once)
– I have recently discovered I love aguacate…y siempre me digo a mi misma “porque te perdiste de esta delicia 24 años de vida?!”
– Soy intensa. Cuando entro en confianza no me quedo quieta y hablo mucho, if it annoys you let me know or, better yet, just go away.
– Soy muy brava, especialmente por cosas que pueden parecer insignificantes …pero, se me pasa rápido y trato de controlarlo.
– Podré ser brava pero no orgullosa. Si se que me equivoque o la cague pido perdón. No entiendo porque hay gente que le cueste pedir perdón cuando saben que se equivocaron.
– Im a family girl! Abuelos, tios, tias, primas(o), love them all to death! Mess with them, mess with me.
– Tengo un love/hate relationship con navidad y esas fiestas, me entra el estres desde octubre…its a yearly struggle which i’d like to think is improving.
– If I like someone there is like a 10-day window where a roller coaster of thoughts go through my head at light speed, defining days.
– Siempre siento que el tiempo no es suficiente. Mis respetos Sr. Tiempo, creo que es a lo que mas le temo.
– I have a thing for photographing my shoes.
– I feel self conscious about how I dress sometimes. I usually don’t give a fu*k but there are times when I wish I had better clothes…All that said, I just rather spend my money on diving, photography equipment or gym clothes.
– Watches, sunglasses and perfumes = things I like but don’t buy for myself (ideas for bday presents ;), I just don’t understand their over priceness.
– I get in the way of myself…en todo! Be it relationships or career stuff, no me la creo y no hago las vainas. Como dicen…I am my own worst enemy.
– Ahora, este viene raro: I think I appear stronger than I really am, but then sometimes I realize I AM stronger than I think.
– Me quiero ganar la loteria. Si, quien no?
– I believe traveling is one of the best things in the world…and food. and sex probably too.
– Cada día me doy cuenta que me parezco mas a mi papá y a mi mamá…una mezcla rara, a veces ideal y a veces desastrosa.
– Soy muy tímida con ciertas cosas, y muy lanzada para otras. Seria bueno encontrar un balance.
– I don’t read as much as I’d like to.
– Ticks and leftover food in the sink make me gag.
– Me da mucho miedo montar en moto, pero me encanta manejar rápido en carro.
– I’m pretty confident about how I look, with the usual shitt days and moments. Me cabrea la gente que no se quiere!
– On that note, my hair is constantly boycotting my confidence. I’m starting to come to terms with it and just let it be.
– Me encanta ir a cine, pero siento que hablo mucho en las películas…soy bastante buena adivinando que va a pasar.
– When you’re in my friend list: I’m a damn good friend!
– This is me procrastinating. Time to get moving. Goodbye
– I have a thing for photographing my shoes.
– I feel self conscious about how I dress sometimes. I usually don’t give a fu*k but there are times when I wish I had better clothes…All that said, I just rather spend my money on diving, photography equipment or gym clothes.
– Watches, sunglasses and perfumes = things I like but don’t buy for myself (ideas for bday presents ;), I just don’t understand their over priceness.
– I get in the way of myself…en todo! Be it relationships or career stuff, no me la creo y no hago las vainas. Como dicen…I am my own worst enemy.
– Ahora, este viene raro: I think I appear stronger than I really am, but then sometimes I realize I AM stronger than I think.
– Me quiero ganar la loteria. Si, quien no?
– I believe traveling is one of the best things in the world…and food. and sex probably too.
– Cada día me doy cuenta que me parezco mas a mi papá y a mi mamá…una mezcla rara, a veces ideal y a veces desastrosa.
– Soy muy tímida con ciertas cosas, y muy lanzada para otras. Seria bueno encontrar un balance.
– I don’t read as much as I’d like to.
– Ticks and leftover food in the sink make me gag.
– Me da mucho miedo montar en moto, pero me encanta manejar rápido en carro.
– I’m pretty confident about how I look, with the usual shitt days and moments. Me cabrea la gente que no se quiere!
– On that note, my hair is constantly boycotting my confidence. I’m starting to come to terms with it and just let it be.
– Me encanta ir a cine, pero siento que hablo mucho en las películas…soy bastante buena adivinando que va a pasar.
– When you’re in my friend list: I’m a damn good friend!
– This is me procrastinating. Time to get moving. Goodbye