Written Jan 3, 2013
Spending these days in Moraleja have been amazing. The days are full of big breakfasts, delicious lunches and small warm dinners, huddling around the fire at night, play cards till midnight, go horseback riding, doing gardening, laying under the sun in the fields reading my books, “montando a columpio de vuelo” (sorry, no way to translate this one…it’s basically going on a kick ass crazy fun swing) and lots of thinking. Being completely disconnected from any phone or internet access is something I really enjoy. Sure, I’d love to be able to talk to some friends but in the end its only a few days and it just forces you to enjoy what’s around you, the people, the scenery, the animals, the silence.
Having traveled this year has made me so much more thankful and appreciative of my country and my upbringing. The scenery here is amazing! I’ve always known its beautiful but going away and seeing the amazing places I saw and then coming back makes me think and say, hey…this is just as beautiful! Its sad that I had to go away to be so appreciative of what I have but I guess that usually happens and the important thing is that it’s a lesson learned. In Panama I am so much more grateful for the ocean! I can actually go swimming in it for hours; its temperature is perfect year round! Here in Bogota I am so grateful for this piece of land in the mountain where I came and spent many weekends but I know could have enjoyed it so much more. I have been horseback riding the past few days and realize how much I enjoy It and how I could have done it so much more in the past.
Starting off 2013 here, completely disconnected and surrounded by beauty and family has been great. It’s like charging up batteries and forcing me to think about the attitude I want to have the upcoming year. It’s a new and challenging year, a year that begins with a hard decision taken and no matter how hard it is and will be I know it’s a year of learning, a year of living, enjoying, but mainly a year for growing, for getting to know myself from a different perspective, a year of spring!